Principal leadership has an indirect influence on student learning through its direct effect on teacher performance and organizational working conditions. And although it is sensitive to the increasing complexity of organizational dynamics and decisions, it is recognized as having a certain catalytic effect on the deployment of skills, results achieved, and improvements made. This makes it a strategic issue in education.
The subject has been studied, theorized and shared internationally for more than fifty years, which this article proposes to systematize and review in a synthetic way, considering the relevant authors. It is proposed to consider the evolution of the conceptualizations on the principal's leadership, its scope, contributions and meanings that have led to the main current assumptions. As well as mentioning the limitations and gaps of the last ones, which still lead to raise key questions.
It is necessary to review this baggage of conceptualizations, which, even with some differences in their basic definitions, have evolved, gaining in importance and empirical reference, in order to analyze the path taken, to make progress in clarification and to renew assumptions. In this way, it is hoped to make a small contribution to the orientation of the research agenda and, perhaps, to the professional development offers for school principals.
School principals, leadership, Conceptual evolution of school leadership, Instructional leadership, , Transformational leadership, Integrated or learning leadership
Silva Lusquiños, C. (2025). School leadership. Conceptual developments, assumptions and gaps . Revista Saberes Educativos, (14), 1–27.