Critical Theory in Chile: First Generation. A Bottom-Up Reconstruction from the 60s to Today


  • Mauro Basaure Universidad Andrés Bello


In this article, I reconstruct the reception in Chile of some key texts of the first generation of the Frankfurt School tradition. I consider texts from the 30s, 40s and 50s of the last century, regarding the context of production; and Chile from the 60s to the present day, regarding the context in which these texts are read and discussed. Each text is received differently, not only because of its content but also because of the selection of the context in which it is read. Thus, a bottom-up method (i.e., one that considers the reception of each text separately) is unavoidable. Only once this bottom-up reconstruction has been carried out is it possible to draw certain conclusions and to speak of the reception of the Frankfurt School in more general terms. Therefore, only towards the end of the article we arrive at some provisional conclusions on how, on the one hand, the texts of this School have played a role in the processes of critical reflection of Chilean society and, on the other hand, how the reception of these texts has been influenced by what is happening in that society.


Critical theory, Reception, Chile, Critical subjectivity