This paper presents the anthracological analysis of El Indígeno site (Mendoza-Argentina), located at 3300 m asl, within an Altoandino environment. The main objective is to estimate which criteria intervened in the management of woody resources in environments with low supply and a high social demand of this resource. Secondly we intend to provide new variables which allow increase knowledge about the site and its implications for the archeology of the Center West Argentina and Central Chile. A total of 14 taxa were identified. Variations in the frequency and the different origins of the taxa allow observeing that, at first, local taxa were used, and gradually genera of lower ecological zones and of remote regions on the both sites of the Andean mountains are incorporated. Plant associations identified on the site permit to conclude that firewood used comes mainly from Chile, which supports the idea that El Indígeno site was part of a circulation circuit of hunter-gatherers groups during the Early Ceramic Period of Central Chile.
Anthracology, Firewood, Central West Argentino, Central Chile
Andreoni, D. (2016). Anthracological Study in the High Mountains of Mendoza (Argentina): The Case of the El Indígeno site and its Implications at a Macro-Regional Level. Revista Chilena De Antropología, (32). Retrieved from