The results from taxonomic and taphonomic analyses of the first evidence of archaeofaunal record recovered in systematic excavation carried out at Laguna El Doce archaeological site (Santa Fe province, Argentina), whose chronology covers different moments of the Holocene, are presented in this paper. The bone assemblage includes even-toed ungulates (Lama guanicoe, Ozotoceros bezoarticus), rodents (Rodentia, Ctenomys sp., Lagostomus maximus), armadillos (Chaetophractus villosus, Dasypus hybridus, Tolypeutes matacus, Zaedyus Pichiy, Eutatus seguini), carnivores (Canidae, Pseudalopex gymnocercus) and birds (Bird, Rhea americana). Low stages of weathering, low frequency of rodents, carnivores and roots marks and chemical depositions (MnO2 and CaCO3) characterized the sample. Also show evidence of anthropic modifications such as fractures, thermal alterations and cut mark.
Zooarchaeology, Hunter-gatherers, Taxonomic Analysis, Taphonomy, Santa Fe´s Pampa Lagoons
Cornaglia Fernández, J. (2015). Zooarchaeological analysis of the Laguna El Doce site (Gral. López Department, Sta. Fe, Argentina). Revista Chilena De Antropología, (30). Retrieved from